On Friday May 10th, 2013, the Israeli weekly Sof Shavoua revealed the imminent release of an Israeli government report on the al Dura affair that will clearly assert that the death of the youth Palestinian Mohamed al Dura was staged.…
Catégorie : English
Articles in english
Arab racism prevents peace
The invisible headlines go beyond the settlers who bought a house near Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs. The real story is not about home ownership; rather, it’s at the very core of the Mideastern conflict. While Israel is not “Arabrein”…
The United Nations has once again reared its anti-semitic head.
The Executive Board of UNESCO has declared 2 of Judaism’s holiest sites (Tomb of the Patriarchs and Tomb of Rachel) to be mosques and demand that Israel remove the sites from its National Heritage list. In an effort to erase…
Hizbullah Deployed Syrian-Made Missiles Capable of Destroying Israel
Hizbullah has reportedly recently deployed advanced Syrian-made surface-to-surface missiles on Lebanese territory that are capable of hitting almost any target in Israel. The report carried by the British defense weekly magazine « Jane’s » said the projectiles are a clone of Iran’s…
Six Questions on HRW’s Gaza Rockets Report
Research organization NGO Monitor has reviewed the Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) report (“Rockets From Gaza”) on Hamas’ rocket fire on Israel’s civilian population. While the report clearly finds Hamas guilty of war crimes and acknowledges “the psychological toll of years…
War crime: Hamas attack on Al Qaeda sympathizers in Gaza
La tactique du Hamas expliquée en vidéo (Terrorist tactics of the Hamas)
This video explains the background to operation Cast Lead, specifically the terrorist tactics that Hamas employs. It shows how Hamas smuggles in weaponry in order to arm itself and how it employs the civilian population and infastructure in order to…
Improving Palestinian quality of life
Israel continues to take steps to improve the quality of life of Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), as well as in the Gaza Strip, and to encourage the development of these areas. The following is a…
The Shepherd Hotel in Jerusalem: An End to the Arabs’ Wars of Limited Liability ?
Published by The Jerusalem Post, August 7, 2009 There Are Consequences for Choosing Aggression Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s resolute response to a State Department official’s objection to a Jewish building development in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem may actually…
The demographic time bomb transforming our continent
By The Sunday Telegraph Britain and the rest of the European Union are ignoring a demographic time bomb: a recent rush into the EU by migrants, including millions of Muslims, will change the continent beyond recognition over the next two…
Saudi Arabia: Counterterrorism Efforts Violate Rights
By Human Rights Watch Indefinite Detention, Inappropriate Reeducation, and Flawed Trials Saudi Arabia has detained indefinitely more than 9,000 people under its counterterrorism program since 2003, offering many religious « reeducation » instead of judicial review to attain their freedom Human Rights…
Qu’est-ce que la Hamas ?
Une vidéo illustrant le Hamas en anglais. No comment.
UNRWA Condemns Confiscation of Gaza Aid
At 14h30 on 3 February over 3,500 blankets and 406 food parcels were confiscated from a distribution store at Beach Camp in Gaza by police personnel. This took place after UNRWA staff had earlier refused to hand over the aid…
Account of Israeli attack doesn’t hold up to scrutiny
By Patrick Martin from TheGlobeAndMail.com Thursday’s Globe and Mail January 29, 2009 at 4:00 AM EST JABALYA, GAZA STRIP — Most people remember the headlines: Massacre Of Innocents As UN School Is Shelled; Israeli Strike Kills Dozens At UN School.…
Hamas Charter
The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) 18 August 1988 In The Name Of The Most Merciful Allah « Ye are the best nation that hath been raised up unto mankind: ye command that which is just, and ye forbid…
Connaissez vous le Hamas ?
A tout ceux qui marchent derrière les bannières, les emblèmes et les slogans du Hamas. Savez-vous au moins quelle est la vraie nature de ce mouvement ? Si vous voulez prendre un peu de recul, regardez! Même ceux qui ne…
Did the U.N. Perpetuates the ‘Refugee’ Problem ?
By Nathan Sharansky, former deputy prime minister of Israel, is chairman of the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at the Shalem Center and the author, most recently, of « Defending Identity » (PublicAffairs, 2008), in The Wall Street Journal, January 6, 2009.…
Palestinians ‘Peoplehood’ Based on a Big Lie
By Eli E. Hertz The Palestinians claim that they are an ancient and indigenous people fails to stand up to historic scrutiny. Most Palestinian Arabs were newcomers to British Mandate Palestine. Until the 1967 Six-Day War made it expedient for…